Monterey Jack has Far to Travel

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Monterey Jack has some Far Sight 37 26 5 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Necrosiris · 3

(upgrade bullwhip if possible?)

Another attempt at combining two decks - consider cards from this other deck: Monterey Jack has some Far Sight (without the curse tech/ancestral knowledge) + The Monterey Jack Travel Bundle

I am indecisive so my sideboard is full of cards I have been considering, but main upgrade choices should be: add one Far Sight upgraded Eon Chart Ariadnes Twine Higher Education Charisma ...

other thoughts: (Archive of Conduits isn't that great except for the healing potential) It sure hurts to only get 5 0-xp seeker cards, wish I could take adaptable)

made for The Forgotten Age, 2-player multiplayer


Jun 08, 2024 Necrosiris · 3

British Bull Dog is far better than the Derringer (I just didn't notice there was a better rogue 0xp gun)