Search n Run- BGG PBF

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Search n Run- BGG PBF 0 0 0 2.0

craftycantaloupe · 8

WIth three other beefy investigators, I have little to do either than gather clues and run! Also have some support cards for handling critical "oh poop" scenarios.

2x magnifying glass and 2x Dr. Milan christopher mean I will likely be investigating with at least 6 so Flashlight will not be critical.

One of each book, considered putting in a second old book of lore but I hate to draw a second one of those since 1 mind is not a great card to chuck. Research Librarian acts as a wild card. If I had more XP I would add another encyclopedia.

For accessory slot I have Disk and Holy Rosary to handle tough monster draws and those pesky mind checks. Scrying is also good to use every now and then to stack the encounter in our favor. Ward of Protection is also great on Daisy with her 9 sanity.

I will never fight, always run, and hopefully Zoey will take big uglies off me.

All other cards are for maximizing clues/turn. Shortcut has the added benefit of using it on someone else.

Random Weakness. Drew Internal Injury, brutal. Cannot afford to take damage so that will likely be a loss of a whole turn.