martelo na cabeça

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

CristhyanCD · 1

Strengths/Weaknesses: Great statline, testless damage/evades. Awkward card pool, high level survivor isn't great.

Deck Upgrades:

Core Set: .45 Automatic, Beat Cop, Machete, Guard Dog, Dodge, Vicious Blow, Lucky!, Emergency Cache, Guts, Overpower, Unexpected Courage

Core Set XP: Close Call, Lucky!, Will to Survive, Aquinnah, Elder Sign Amulet, Bulletproof Vest

TDL: Taunt, Fire Axe, Emergency Aid, Prepared for the Worst, Dark Horse, "If it bleeds..."

TDL XP: Peter Sylvestre, Flare, Relic Hunter, Charisma, Moment of Respite, Aquinnah, Scrapper

PtC: .32 Colt, True Grit, "Let me handle this!", Resourceful, Heroic Rescue, Cherished Keepsake, Run For Your Life, Reckless Assault, Desperate Search, Say Your Prayers, Calling in Favors, Madame Labranche, Inspiring Presence, "Not without a fight!"

PtC XP: A Test of Will, A Chance Encounter, Infighting, Key of Ys

TFA: Survival Knife, Trusted, Scene of the Crime, Perseverance, Second Wind, Take the Initiative, Stunning Blow, Take Heart

TFA XP: Yaotl, Old Hunting Rifle, Timeworn Brand, Alter Fate

TCU: Delay the Inevitable, Steadfast, Something Worth Fighting For, Meat Cleaver, .45 Thompson, Drawing Thin, Hallowed Mirror, Interrogate

TCU XP: Five of Pentacles, Tennessee Sour Mash

TDE: Solemn Vow, First Watch, Daring, Tetsuo Mori, .35 Winchester, Scrounge for Supplies

TDE XP: Miss Doyle, Jessica Hyde, Brute Force, Nothing Left to Lose, The Black Cat, Nightmare Bauble

TIC: Guardian/Survivor Blessings

TIC Other: Riot Whistle, Enchant Weapon, Butterfly Effect, Third Time's a Charm, Unrelenting

EotE: Toe to Toe, "Get behind me!", Geared Up, Bandages, Sledgehammer, Heavy Furs, Jury-Rig

EotE XP: Fire Extinguisher, Bangle of Jinxes, Plucky, Burn After Reading, Dauntless Spirit, Blood Will Have Blood, Sledgehammer, Unscrupulous Loan, Precious Memento, Precious Memento, Earthly Serenity, Earthly Serenity, Bruiser, Crafty

Rtts XP: Rabbit's Foot, Alter Fate, Backpack, Nine of Rods, The Fool • 0

Inv Decks: Flesh Ward, Safeguard, Boxing Gloves, "Get over here!", Stand Together, A Test of Will

Inv Decks XP: Cherished Keepsake, Leather Coat, .18 Derringer, A Test of Will, Lucky!, Chainsaw, Déjà Vu