"I pick up ALL the clues."

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

hogwashed · 3

This is the deck I ended with when I finished the Dunwhich legacy. I thought about taking out the story elements, but then I decided to just leave them in.

If you want a beginning deck for this, take out all story elements (including the extra weakness), replace strange solution with the basic derivative, grab the level 0 magnifying glass, replace deciphered reality x2 with art student x2, and get hyper awareness in place of deduction lv2. also, hock higher education

this deck worked really well for me. it has bailed me out multiple times because I would complete the scenario with my brother and his Wendy Adams deck often times right before I was about to die. If you play it right you can get a stacked deck to nullify Rex's curse.