A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

soakman · 25

The primary goal here is focusing on Carolyn's strength as a support by having her healing horror and tanking the occasional hit via True Grit. Balancing this with an ability to generate resources and investigate to help with tempo, should make her an excellent addition to a team.

Since she will primarily be investigating when not healing, I've taken a .45 ranged weapon instead of the machete to make short work of otherwise difficult to deal with and bothersome monsters like the Conglomerations and Whippoorwills. She can also use teamwork to pass off her weapon to a more capable fighter or hand out additional resources that she should be accumulating due to Peter Sylvestre's self-healing capabilities (which will generate resources for her).

Hyperawareness should be able to make her at least capable of evading sometimes and fieldwork should help with landing an occasional gunshot or evade an enemy in a location she is just entering if she does not have a weapon yet.

St. Hubert's key, Milan Christopher, and her other assets will help Carolyn provide investigative needs without having to over commit often.

Her lack of skills means that while Carolyn is capable of many things, she is going to need to travel with a companion. Don't be afraid to commit cards you don't think you will be using to important tests. The 2nd copy of Peter is more for reliability than a replacement. Once you draw and play him, feel free to commit the other copy to help your friends avoid horror or help them pass that Liquid Courage test. Just do all that you can to prevent him from going down as he will be a reliable resource generation tool for the more expensive cards like Dynamite Blast, Hubert's Key, and her .45s. You may even want to pass the key off to a friend using teamwork so you can play the 2nd copy for yourself. The extra will and knowledge on a character that would not be able to take the key could be highly useful.