Card draw simulator
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VVini, Vidi, Vici|Deck Guide | 225 | 123 | 376 | 1.0 |
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buddywahlquist · 5
1) Winifred does a little bit of everything. Literally all of it during her Vamp turns.
2) The entire deck revolves around Crystallizer of Dreams. You need to have it. You only need one, ever, but if you don't have it, you need a backpack.
3) Crystallizer gives all of your event cards a second life as a skill card. Her ability allows you to draw cards every time you commit 2 cards to a test. Combining those with Vamp, which gives you 4 PARLEY tests (at difficulty 0 with Fine Clothes), lets you draw a ton of cards while also doing all of the things. Use your backpack to find Lockpicks before you swap the backpack for Fine Clothes. Backstab, Breaking and Entering, Cheap Shot, and Slip Away all return to your hand at end of turn from ANYWHERE, so put them under the Crystallizer, discard them on skill tests, and still get them back.