Card draw simulator
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PetsOnTheRocks · 43
This deck was used in Circle Undone campaign. Our group of 4 played it on Hard Mode and let me tell you that CU is unforgiving. I, personally, do not agree with some of the campaign choices. IMHO it deals out too much horror and damage too quickly and it also has a very uncomfortable amount of enemies with very uncomfortable health statistics. It is clearly meant for a very optimised and experienced group.
Our group consisted of 2 fighters 2 cluevers and 1 flex fighter/healer. We failed the very first scenario due to some bad luck and just restarted again. After that we managed to go through all of the campaign and some scenarios were very close calls. True Arkham Horror experience.
This character is meant to end up running around with max Custom Modification slapped on a shotgun and one-shoting everything. To get to this sweet spot you need however huge amount of experience and you need to start from 0. So this deck is your starting point.
What should be your path to becoming a murder machine:
- Concentrate on putting exp on Custom Modifications using either XP or Refine card and get upgrades for Extended Stock, Notched Sight, Leather Grip and Quicksilver Bullets. In that order. First two are a must have. Others are nice to work towards.
- Get Stick to the Plan
- Upgrade .45 Thompsons
- Switch .45 Automatics gradually to Shotgun
- Upgrade Emergency Cache (because bullets)
After the above upgrade as you see fit using options from the side deck.
The final upgraded version of this deck can be seen here and it is a beast:
PS! Act of Desperation and .45 Thompson are your money makers
PPS! When you get Stick to the Plan then put Custom Modifications, Emergency Cache and Act of Desperation under it for guaranteed access.