My First Wendy Deck Need Help Cutting Cards Please

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
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CrazyGamer · 14

Going to run through the core set. this is my first time using wendy please help me cut down to 30 cards or if I need different cards thank you


Apr 13, 2018 chrycheng · 7

I would cut Stray Cat since Wendy has a high enough evade skill value and having Leo De Luca means a virtual free action.

I would also cut "I'm outta here!". Never really saw much use for it anyway.

Apr 13, 2018 YesThisIsDog · 4

You are definitely going to want a fire axe instead of the lantern. Wendy really needs some sort of weapon because she will be forced to fight sometimes. Waylay will be a necessity, along with emergency cache (you'll be running short on cash a lot even with emergency cache). Also getting "watch this!" (probably instead of not without a fight) would be a good idea.

Apr 13, 2018 StartWithTheName · 64916

Not sure if your asking for solo or Multi P. I have little true solo experience so i`ll let others speak to that. So assuming multi P (or that solo is at least similar). i would drop the cats (you can evade easy enough), Dig deep (you can buy scrapper after a little xp), and im outta here (you should be ok escaping, plus you really dont want that at the top of your discard when you get your amulet down).

I would also be tempted by Pete S over Leo for the evade pip. Remember you can always use adaptable to refine the deck after you give it a play through.

If you are going solo (all caveats about my lack of experience valid here), then another combat option looks important. Fire axe would make sense. My instict is to put it over survival instinct, but again thats based on alot of multi player play with wendy where it was ok, but not important. not sure how it pans out solo