Minh Sees Everything

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Wbarobinson · 486

This is Minh at the end of her campaign. The deck is ridiculously difficult to pilot and extremely powerful.

Half the cards in the deck lead to drawing more cards. The deck will run out of cards, maybe twice in a scenario (you'll notice 2 Devil's Luck).

The deck plays as a support that is eventually +5 to all stats. Costs are really low, with a total price tag of 23. That is because you will play everything, often twice by turn 12. That is a natural 17 money + 6 from the emergency caches. With one more exp I would upgrade 1 of those caches so I can leave Flashlight out forever.

Here are the mechanisms:

Scavenging + Newspaper/Flashlight/Magnifying Glass. You use the Newspaper/MG to trash empty flashlights. You then win an investigation to recur flashlight. You grab your bonus clue and then trash Newspaper to bring in Flashlight. You recur Newspaper to drop on skill tests +2 intelligence. Every time you win one of those tests by 2, you get back your Newspaper to drop.

Scavenging + Leather Coat/ Key of Ys These are your soak. You recur as needed.

Key of Ys/ Peter Sylvester You now have near perfect control of your horror and can keep that +3 to skill checks at all times.

Dark Horse + 21 cards with 0 price + Fire Axe

No Stone Unturned + Key of Ys/Peter Instead of buying a second key of Ys, you pay 2 more money but can now get any card for anyone. That said, finding Key of Ys + Peter is top priority.

Cryptic Research with a cheap deck, a ton of draw and lots of +2 to skill cards. This might be the biggest synergy in the deck. You are going to see all your cards so quickly because Cryptic, Guts, Overpower, Perception, Eureka, No Stone, Emergency Cache all give you draw. That is 18 draw. That means every 2 cards replaces 1 card. After 5 turns, you have seen 10 cards naturally, and 5 more on average drawing with them. Then, because of Analytical Mind, which you cleverly pulled with No Stone or simply found, you have seen another 2 cards. With those additional 7 cards, you have 3.5 more draw. So you have now seen 10 + 7 + 3.5 + 2 + 1 + .5 (continues the logic). No stone is fast, Ana Mind is fast, Eureka, Guts, Overpower, Cryptic, all fast. You have drawn 24 cards by turn 5 and haven't wasted an action. By now, with 15 actions behind you, both your hands are full, you have your key, your Dark Horse, Sylvester and you are unstoppable. The best part is that you got to help your team the whole time with skill checks.

Round 2

Now that you have decked yourself and you have a Key, Ana Mind, Coat, Horse, Scavenging, Sylvester, Axe and Glass already out: Your deck has 16 draw for 25 cards (down from 18, because No Stone is probably going to be used in skill tests). Every turn, you draw 1 naturally, 1 card from Ana Mind, meaning you have on average 3.5 new cards in your hard per turn. These are all nearly double sign cards, meaning you have +8 to skill checks per turn, plus your base 6 to 8 skills to begin with.


May 28, 2018 MartinGM · 1

Hi, sorry I'm kindda lost. How do you get to draw the deck again? (Round 2) Also if you can respond, can I remove horror from Key of Ys with Peter's ability ?

Thanks for your clarification!

May 28, 2018 Wbarobinson · 486

So, when you run out of cards in your deck, the rulebook states that you take 1 horror and reshuffle your discard pile into your deck.

And no, you cannot take horror off Key of Ys with Sylvester. He will just absorb all future horror.

May 29, 2018 MartinGM · 1

Thanks man, we must be kindda dumb as we've been playing for 3 months thinking we could not draw after we ran out of cards. Just sent my party the rulling on this. Thanks again! Your deck is very tempting also. Will use some as inspiration.

May 29, 2018 Wbarobinson · 486

My pleasure. Fair warning, some weaknesses .Ake this deck unplayable as you will be redrawing them maybe 3 times. Yuk.

May 29, 2018 MartinGM · 1

That sounds bad... I'll take it into account.