a k a c h i

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet

JohnnyMilton · 2

Making A Shaman

You want stuff with charges and, like all good shamans, Akachi wants to use her huge willpower stat as her only stat.

Making Gains

I’ve skipped The Mystic Doom Buff Suite because we have enough money from Uncage The Soul, Spirit-Speaker, Alchemical Transmutation and your Emergency Caches to power Arcane Studies.


I’m part way through Carcossa and can attest to most of these changes in a party setting.

Try the addition of at least one Suggestion instead of a Blinding Light and fully upgrading the fight/investigate spells.

A combat of 3 paired with Spirit Athame makes for a decent 1 damage attack too. Swapping in two for a Knife and a Fine Clothes seems good.

Going Solo

Akachi solos really well with minimal changes. You just have to prioritise investigation over murder a bit.