My Roland Banks Combat Deck for Carcosa

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Mortendall · 146

This is deck 2 of my campaign deck that beat Path to Carcosa. It is meant as a companion deck to my Sefina deck, which was responsible for clue collection. Overall, I was not a 100 percent happy with this build - combat was often too low, and relying too heavily on skill cards, without sufficient card draw. However, it often saved Sefina by killing the big monsters on the board.

You want a weapon, so mulligan for a gun, or a Prepared for the Worst. Since this deck started with Indebted it really wanted an emergency quiche as well. An ally in the opening hand (either Beat Cop or Xavier) is also nice to establish a board state. Use plenty of skill cards to take out enemies in one go, and try to get some clues in the process.