My Sefina Carcosa deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Mortendall · 146

This is deck 1 for my Carcosa campaign which ultimately was succesful. This deck was the clue-gathering deck, whereas the companion Roland deck handled most combat - though this one has Shriveling for emergencies. I only had one time where I did not draw 5 events for my opening hand, and the deck has plenty of opportunity to generate more resources. I tried to make a rogue action advantage deck that hopefully can drop a Leo de Luca on turn 1. High mobility form Cat burglar or plan evasion and Rite of Seeking with holy rosary+Drawn to the flame ensures clue gathering, and if you have a Hot Streak under the character card, you can really generate a lot of resources for Streetwise to boost intellect. The deck struggled against Dim Carcosa but prevailed after a few tries. It was super fun to play, and I had an excellent time playing it.