A story of Roland Banks - Core only

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Patrakis · 20

After many failed tries using a bad deck i made for myself without any knowledge of the rules, synergies and strategies behind the game i decided to get inspired and used a great deck from Ian_MB using only the core cards.

The modifications i made were to remove a DODGE and the GUARD DOG which i don't like since i rarely let monsters do damage do me so guard dog isn't so useful. I replaced those 2 cards with a flashlight and a second manual dexterity.

I've gone through the core campaign without a scratch on the first go so using more skills and less assets seems to work great for that campaign. I'll try Dunwich next so i'll be back here to comment on it's success with that campaign.

I mainly play solo with one adventurer and i only use cards that were available when at the time of the printing of the campaign played.

Like Ian said on his notes. Getting that weapon and Beat cop is critical to the success of this deck so don't hesitate to mulligan to get those cards in hand on setup draw. After that, the skills do wonder for the different skills tests you will get thought the scenarios.