Father Mateo (013), solo

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AlexP · 246

Father Mateo, for solo.

The usual choice of Shrivelling for combat and Rite of seeking for investigation. The willpower/spell boosts are mae by the Athame, the St.Hubert's key, the skills and David Renfield.

For easy fights, the Athame. For the hardest investigations: Flashlight, Drawn to the flame and Perception.

Ritual candles and Olive McBride to slightly manipulate and get better from the chaos bag.

The cards are expensive, so a single Emergency cache but Uncage the soul and David Renfield.

To "start" the deck, the backpack (I have 7 other items in the deck), and the Arcane initiate (6 spells).

2 Arcane research and 2 Delve too deep to quickly improve the deck, with:

  • the leveled-up 2 main spells,
  • the 2nd upgraded Fearless,
  • Charisma,
  • Recall the future
  • maybe a Jewel of Aureolus to get the ressources,
  • Moment of respite if mental traumas pile up.