Leo Anderson Goes Adventurin' with Friends

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

EmLovesArkham · 13

I loved this deck and it served me very well both as the muscle and secondary clue gatherer in the Forgotten Age. My husband played as Ursula and was wracking up the trauma. Leo kept it pretty minimal, well, as minimal as you're going to get in Forgotten Age! (You'll see I did need a Bulletproof Vest and some Kerosene in the final deck build.) We made it to the final scenario in overall decent shape but made one poor decision that proved to be our demise. However, the fact that we did overall as well as we did, I credit in large part to the solidness of this deck. Furthermore, Leo's friends are just so much fun to have around and to have popping up in a pinch. That Treasure Hunter really came in handy as a meat shield and even stuck around a round or two to help out with some clues. Having two Charisma worked amazingly well. It is an expensive deck, so I found Lone Wolf and Burglary were necessary. I didn't use Keen Eye as much as I thought, but in one scenario, I used it like crazy, so I guess it earned its keep.

I really enjoyed using this deck. I hope it is helpful to someone out there who wants to journey the jungle with a posse of police men, Louisiana Lions, a dog, your buddy Mitch, and a couple treasure hunters.