Nasty Women Get Shit Done (The Gathering)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

captainraffi · 1

Deck originally built for solo purposes, though also used in a 4p campaign. Performed well in both; I ended the solo play of the first scenario with 1 vp from clearing locations, 1 vp from killing an Icy Ghoul, and 2 from a dead Ghoul Priest.

This deck leans heavily on spells like Shrivelling for killing the big bads while not wasting them on little things unless necessary. Flashlight and Knife are good enough, especially when you couple them with their associated skill cards for bonus symbols and draw. Lucky helps you in a pinch.

With 4p I leaned heavily on investigating the low-shroud locations with or without a flashlight. I was on Rat clearing duty with my innate ability. Shrivelling was saved for the Ghoul Priest. In our game, Roland did 10 damage (with the help of Lita) and I did the other 10. Engaging the Priest off of Roland to evade with Blinding Light is also really helpful for protecting your allies while still doing a little damage. That's a decent combo to use to help people with the Icy Ghoul and Flesh Eater as well.