Asset. Body

Item. Armor.

Cost: 0.

Health: 2. Sanity: –.
The coat was not the most fashionable choice, but it did feel warm and reassuring in its bulk.
Andreia Ugrai
Core Set #72.
Leather Coat

Asset. Body

Item. Armor.

Cost: 0.

Health: 2. Sanity: –.
The coat was not the most fashionable choice, but it did feel warm and reassuring in its bulk.
Andreia Ugrai
Revised Core Set #72.
Leather Coat

Asset. Body

Item. Armor.

Cost: 0. XP: 1.

Health: 4. Sanity: –.

Forced - When Leather Coat is defeated by damage: Exile it.

The coat was not the most fashionable choice, but it did feel warm and reassuring in its bulk.
Andreia Ugrai
Stella Clark #21.
Leather Coat