Administration Office - Back

A sturdy wooden door with a plaque next to it reads: "Administration." In the hall outside the doorway, you see a row of paintings depicting the museum’s many curators through the years, each adorned with their name and years of employment. Perhaps it’s just your imagination, but they look more distressed in recent years.



Shroud: 1. Clues: 1.

You cannot investigate Administration Office while you have 4 or fewer resources.

This office is meticulously organized, from the books in alphabetical order on the shelves to the stacks of forms organized by category on each desk. A coat is draped over one of the nearby chairs; perhaps somebody other than the security guard is still here at this late hour.
Lake Hurwitz
The Miskatonic Museum #130. The Miskatonic Museum #13.
Administration Office
Administration Office


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • Q: If you initiate an investigate action, then drop to 4 or fewer resources, does the investigation cease? A: "The Administration Office only prevents you from initiating the investigation if you do not have the proper number of cards/resources. If you begin the investigation and then spend resources or discard cards, you can still follow through with the investigation."
Last updated


I'm currently evaluating the usefulness of the ignore effect of Read the Signs throughout the different campaigns (for an upcoming review).

Unfortunately for this card, like it's brother, that checks for cards in hand, this effect whiffs. Because it prevents initiating the sequence, you can not play the card otherwise and therefore cannot ignore the condition.

Susumu · 372