FAQ removed - double-checking provenance.
Insight. Bold.
Cost: 2.
Play only as your first action.
Discover 1 clue at your location (2 clues instead if there is an enemy at that location). This action does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
HEADLINE: Guardians can gather clues?
This card is a game changer for guardians. Almost every guardian deck is improved by including this card (especially if they run On the Hunt).
It costs a fair bit, but its effect is profoundly powerful.
Running this card next to on the hunt gives you the ability to really turn up the gas. You draw the enemy (REALLY good odds of it), engage it and now can use your first action to gain two clues at a location.
No test, no attack of opportunity. No nothing.
That is almost a flashlight worth of clues with only one action rather than THREE (play flashlight and investigate twice) AND it dodges investigation restrictions AND attacks of opportunity AND doesn't require a token pull from the bag.
Like... seriously!?!
A great card in decks that want to run on the hunt (read as MOST GUARDIANS).
In fact, the only guardian who might not want it right away is some Mark builds which can run Working a Hunch.