Act. Stage 1
Clues: 3.
The foggy shores of the Unvisited Isle are barren and unwelcoming. Not a soul greets you as you draw closer to the island, save for the judging gaze of ghostly birds that observe you from the trees. In the distance, the pillar of spectral energy is rising into the clouds, a vortex of otherworldly mist spiraling about it.
Frej Agelii
Union and Disillusion #241. Union and Disillusion #4.
The Mist Returns - Back
You venture deeper and deeper into the overgrown woods, a timid voice in the back of your mind urging you to flee this place and never return. The dark mist becomes so dense you can hardly see anything. You shout for any of your companions, but there is no response - just the sway of dying tree branches in the wind and the thump of your heart pounding in your chest
Each investigator must randomly choose 1 of the set-aside Unvisited Isle locations, put it into play in front of him or her, and immediately move to that location (cannot be canceled). If the investigators sided with the coven, the brazier at each of those locations is already lit. Place a resource token on each of those locations to signify this.
Shuffle each of the story cards beneath the scenario reference card and deal 1 at random to each investigator until all of them have been dealt. In player order, resolve each of the dealt story cards.

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