Agenda. Stage 2
Doom: 6. Clues: –
You’ve felt an evil presence lurking here ever since you arrived. The entity defies all description. At times it appears formless; at others, it embodies myriad shapes and features. You can sometimes pick out a particular aspect - an eye, a horn, a blemish - but it disappears as soon as you focus on it.
Each Swarm of Rats gains swarming 1.
Forced - At the start of your turn, if The Unnamable is ready and at your location: Test (2). If you fail, it attacks you (even if it is not engaged).
Yoann Boissonnet
A Thousand Shapes of Horror #170. A Thousand Shapes of Horror #3.
It Grows Bolder - Back
Time is running short. The entity, which before had seemed content to loom and observe you from afar, now swells with power and pursues you with relentless ferocity. It writhes and thrashes, seemingly everywhere at once. You have to hurry and confront your fears, or you will never find your way into the Dreamlands.
Shuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck.

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