Agenda. Stage 3
Doom: 7. Clues: –
"There was a vortex of withering, ice-cold wind, and then the rattle of loose bricks and plaster; but I had mercifully fainted before I could learn what it meant."
- H. P. Lovecraft, "The Unnamable"
- H. P. Lovecraft, "The Unnamable"
Each Swarm of Rats gains swarming 2.
The Unnamable loses aloof and gains massive.
Forced - At the start of your turn, if The Unnamable is ready and at your location: Test (2). If you fail, it attacks you (even if it is not engaged).
Yoann Boissonnet
A Thousand Shapes of Horror #171. A Thousand Shapes of Horror #4.
It Is Real - Back
To your surprise, the most dreadful sound - the one that will forever burn in your memory of the night's events - is not the echoing, despondent cries of the unnamable monstrosity or the papery crunch of dry corpses being devoured in the graveyard. It is the simple creaking of a lattice window.
Randolph turns rigid and pale. You realize the implication just after he recalls the sound. All of the window frames in the house had fallen long ago - all save for one. It was the attic window that kept hidden the accursed demonic darkness: the thing with no name. It reaches out for you.
Randolph turns rigid and pale. You realize the implication just after he recalls the sound. All of the window frames in the house had fallen long ago - all save for one. It was the attic window that kept hidden the accursed demonic darkness: the thing with no name. It reaches out for you.

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