Easy / Standard
: -X. X is the amount of damage on this card.
: Reveal another token. If you fail, after this skill test ends, draw the top card of the encounter deck.
: +1. The black cat helps you navigate through the death-fire. If this token is revealed during an investigation and you succeed, draw 1 card.
: -3. If you fail by 2 or more, choose a ready enemy at your location or a connecting location. That enemy moves to your location, engages you, and makes an immediate attack.
Point of No Return - Back
Hard / Expert
: -X. X is 1 more than the amount of damage on this card.
: Reveal another token. If you fail, after this skill test ends, draw the top card of the encounter deck.
: 0. The black cat helps you navigate through the death-fire. If this token is revealed during an investigation and you succeed, draw 1 card.
: -4. If you fail by 2 or more, choose a ready enemy at your location or a connecting location. That enemy moves to your location, engages you, and makes an immediate attack.

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