This card is bananas for Carson. You play it, then give two actions to other players and go check if the washing machine has finished. Let the fierce ones handle the probability calculations and drawing tokens while you enjoy the pleasures of servitude.
Trick. Double.
Cost: 3.
As an additional cost to play Elaborate Distraction, spend an action. Playing Elaborate Distraction does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
For each enemy at your location and at each connecting location (choose one):
- Automatically evade that enemy if it is non-Elite.
- Deal 1 damage to that enemy.

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This card has performed really well in my four player group with Preston. This in combination with another player in our group running storm of spirits has cleared so many enemies which is really nice.
Love this card and will probably run at least one in a lot of my flex decks going forward.
I slotted this in thieves kit Wendy and it paid off immediately. Even in two player, Elaborate Distraction can do wonderful things. Not only did it kill the rat I was engaged with without a skill check, it damaged a nearby foe, the enemy engaged with my guardian, his weakness The Thing That Follows (which was catching up), and tapped an annoying aloof enemy. Preston, who also has a lot of money to throw around, should consider slotting two of these, especially if you can afford Leo Deluca and is working with four actions per turn.
Obviously Rita loves things that evade, and automatic evasion at adjacent locations puts this above some of the two XP events that came out early for her. The best-case scenario is you get your elder sign during the mythos phase and can damage and tap many many enemies.
Three cost is going to be iffy for most survivors. For survivor dippers, it could be extremely fun for Minh or an excellent guardian control for Tommy. Any of the Dunwich set can use it as discount dynamite.
Is this better than Cunning Distraction? Well, lets see. It's 2 resources cheaper, though still not cheap for survivor. And it has variability, you can evade or ping it for damage. AND you target all adjacent locations as well. For the measly extra cost of an additional action.
The value of this card really goes up in 3 and 4 players when you simply have more spawns, and also swarm enemies. Preston of course likes testless stuff and can pay any resource cost. If Rita can pay the cost in actions and resources, it generally syergises with what she wants to do. She (and Preston) can also store it under Bewitching. 1 of the actions spent can be viewed as either doing testless damage or a move she would probably have used anyway. This way, there was no test. I think you do need to be hitting 2-3 minimum for this to be worth the squeeze. At lower player counts, one hopes enemies aren't getting that out of control. But at higher player counts, 1 players turn, can really save the entire team a heap of trouble.