Carolyn Fern - Non-Guardian mode

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Faranim · 399

Just for fun... a Carolyn deck with no Guardian cards at all.

This should actually work fairly well. It plays mostly like a Seeker/Mystic (very similar to Daisy Walker).

I actually found that trying to use her measly 2 for anything was just not worth the deck slots or actions.

It should include enough Evasion and Combat tools to deal with enemies, plus her naturally high 4 is easily boosted to 6+ making it easy to collect clues.

If I was to play this deck for real, I would at least include Dynamite Blast since it's actually her best way to deal damage (the other being Guard Dog, which is also quite good for her).