Tommy on Patrol

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

BoozySquid · 8

A pretty straightforward tank/fighter Tommy build intended for a Midnight Masks event. He can kill whatever pops up, and take whatever hits back, but isn't going to grab too many clues except the easiest ones. Not for a solo campaign, but should be pretty good with anyone who can focus on picking up clues.

If you can manage to Act of Desperation an empty .45 Thompson you won't be hurting for resources. Don't be afraid to provoke attacks of opportunity if you need to cash in an asset, but this is generally a pretty low cost deck outside of the allies and guns.

If you're basing a campaign starter off of this, the starting downgrades are fairly straightforward. Un-upgrade the Cache, Vicious blow and trade the Thompsons in for .45s. Brother X for Guard Dogs and the Oops(2) for a second Steadfast.