The Jenny Barnes Arkham Horror Controls (Dunwich) multiplaye

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

myklwelch · 1

This is a variation of my regular Jenny Barnes deck (normally solo) for multiplayer.

  1. Constrained to Core Set x2 and Dunwich
  2. Took no unique ally (Leo De Luca, Dr. Milan Christopher) because others are likely to take them
  3. Beat Cop seemed like an adequate ally for +1 combat. UPDATE: scrapped an ally for Dynamite Blast. I'm going alone!!! (with my friends)
  4. Deck (per usual) relies on resources and Arcane Studies and Hard Knocks to pump up skills.
  5. Resource pump: 2x Emergency Cache, 2x Burglary, Jenny unique ability


2x Switchblade. I probably won't use, will ditch at my first upgrade. Likely to drop some skills as I get XP as well. (Keep 1 of each???) Seems very light on events at this point. Just double checked. Elusive is taboo, and Backstab is of questionable value. Jenny's combat and agility are the same.


Feb 22, 2020 mattastrophic · 3184

Hi there!

I've played a whole lot of Jenny, and my recommendation is to keep Guts and Overpower of the skill cards. Especially Guts, because failed willpower checks can be pretty showstopping.

With a 3 in combat, Switchblade L0 is pretty awful. You've got five weapons already and a bunch of card draw, so you probably don't need them at all. Maybe try Unexpected Courages instead?

Feb 22, 2020 myklwelch · 1

Thanks for the advice. I like it. This is a strange deck. Much different than my normal solo deck. Mainly because of the constraints I mentioned above.