Wini is Bad at Navigating Jungles

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

babushkasara · 2

This is a Wini deck for a four-hand (2 player) mostly-blind playthrough of The Forgotten Age. She's paired with Ursula (clueing), Joe Diamond (clues and utility), and Leo Anderson (fighting).

After the first scenario, we like the group. Wini got a mental trauma due to some really unlucky pulls/encounter cards right at the end, but I'm excited to see what some XP will do to the deck.

We play where we get new basic weaknesses each scenario and we don't know what they are until we draw them (excluding Indebted, which we have marked so we know if we get it). Also, our weakness deck includes only a single copy of each weakness and does not include the Dark Pact/Bell Tolls killed/insane lines.

In the first scenario, she had Dendromorphosis which wasn't bad at all as she didn't have any hand slots taken when I drew it and it was able to soak a hit from a snake that we wanted to evade and ignore.

Also also, we play as if we all permanently have infinite Adaptable because we are still very new to the vast majority of the cards available. However, we do use the most recent Taboo list.

Upgrades after Scenario 1: Lucky Cigarette Case was awesome and I'm a fan of getting the same but more. I didn't know what I might want to spend the last 2 XP on, but I went with cheaper Leos because apparently starting resources are going to be tight and the extra actions are nice. Was considering a Delilah O'Rourke instead but didn't have enough XP and I wanted to spend it.