Daisy - Search Far and Wide

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

JonServo · 15

This deck is my first attempt for a character in the Dunwich set.


Mar 22, 2021 StartWithTheName · 65780

some solid picks. trying not to spoil anything for dunwich, though this is generally good advice, have you considered Ward of Protection to cover you for any encounter cards which turn out to be particularly hard hitting. In general Daisy likes a little HP protection in any campaign and the and options you have here dont cover the encounter phase Mind over Matter is on your turn only (ie investigator phase), as is Encyclopedia. So any encounter card that deals damage may hurt you more. these are more common on agi checks (like this) which daisy usually has problems with, though you have decent skill card cover from Unexpected Courage and Manual Dexterity. I think its fair to say that almost all campaigns have some cards that are hard hitting and automatic damage that you want a little coverage from. and there are some great moments in dunwich that im scared to spoil but feel free to mouse over this MODERATELY BIG SPOILER that can be hard to factor in via xp later on.

you also probably want a little more cash generation in here if you are a new player. Dr. Milan Christopher will provide you with a huge amount of cash if you see him early, but on the games you dont you will struggle. He later got a soft nerf from the "taboo list" - a set of voluntary restrictions to help experienced players self balance the game a bit that you should completely ignore until you are comfortable with the game. But in general if you build your deck around his income it will reliant on seeing him early. The games you dont will be hard, those you do will be easy.

Finally if i didnt highlight this for a new player playing Daisy and doing Dunwich I would be a bad gaming citizen! (it might be a thing who knows?). Eitherway please be encouraged to check out the free bonus scenario content FFG wrote as a bit of franly quite generous fan service at this link. It gives you a bonus sc where you can change your Daisy's Tote Bag as well as just another evening of entertainment.

Mar 22, 2021 StartWithTheName · 65780

also loving the MST3K naming reference ;)

Mar 22, 2021 JonServo · 15

Thanks for the feedback.

...and the Tom Servo catch.