Tommy & his rag-tag crew are taking you back to the station

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Levangeline · 195

Tommy may be a rookie cop, but he's not going to abandon protocol just because some cosmic entity wants to reshape reality to its whims.

This deck is geared towards TFA, but you can use it for any scenario in which you want Tommy to beat up the hooligans, slip past the big bads, and pick up a few clues along the way.

Tommy's beloved Becky is his ever-ready companion. But he's bringing along a Survival Knife, and some extra firepower just in case things get hairy.

Muldoon is eager to Take the Initiative and show the brass he means business.

He's still learning the ropes, so mistakes are bound to happen. Luckily, he's packing a couple cards that reward his failures.