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Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

danielh21 · 1

This is a multiplayer Minh deck that focues on card drawing, so you can help other investigators.

Calling in Favors Are used to get the of the Art Student and Laboratory Assistant while looking for Dr. Milan Christopher

Does not have a lot of tricks for dealing with enemies, but Fight or Flight and Hiding Spot could be useful, but to kill them Minh depends on other investigators:

Upgrades to look for:

  • Shortcut - Helps everyone!
  • In the Know - Great in multiplayer as the primary investigator
  • Charisma - Because of the ablity to have Milan while shoveling through other allies
  • Deduction - Ability to have power full turns, with lots of clues