Jimmy Olsen Reporting To Duty

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AricDeDacie · 7

You want to be a part of a team and you want to investigate? You don't want to play a yellow investigator because everyone plays a yellow investigator to get clues?

Then Darrell Simmons and his trusted Kodak is the man you are looking for.

This deck have only one purpose and it is achieving it briliantly, get clues, more clues and even more clues.

Ideally you will have to set up your Appareil Photo à Soufflet and Dr. Milan Christopher as soon as possible.

They will help you investigate which is your main goal but they will also help in many ways. The good Doctor will enable your economy for each clue you get, and you are to get many of those. The camera will help you stack evidence for your ability for emergency only or more likely improve your tests against the mythos.

The proof on your Kodak de Darrell or the Appareil Photo à Soufflet can be used (always keep at least 2 proofs to get bonuses on your book.)

Déduction « Regardez ce que j'ai Trouvé ! » are meant to get you more clues faster to be able to always stay ahead of the agenda.

The survivor skills ( including but not limited to: Chanceux ! Apprendre de ses Erreurs Garder Courage are meant to be sure that you do not die of a test.

The side deck is mainly to guide you towards upgrading your deck but is a follow up idea of this deck to get clues.