"I should be so lucky..."

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

szutek · 14

Deck created to play co-op Dunwich campaign with Zoey Samaras. Rex job is to collect all the clues, Zoey is going to kill all the monters.


Feb 08, 2017 bullettrang · 13

How do you plan to upgrade this deck after the first scenario? I am also trying something with the old Rex and Axe combo. I tried the scavenge/Disc build but it's just so difficult to get pass the first scenario without reliable monster killing options.

Feb 08, 2017 bullettrang · 13

Also why physical training over arcane studies? I feel like the ax already has the option of buffing combat so you can supplement his investigation and will with arcane studies instead?

Feb 08, 2017 szutek · 14

1) Plan for this deck is to mass draw lot of cheap cards and spend all the money for boosting skill test and Fire Axe to effectively use it, so the idea for upgrades is to exchange Laboratory Assistant with Cryptic Research, and maybe to get Bulletproof Vest to improove rex's stamina.

2) I prefer Physical Training over Arcane Studies beacuse with Hyperawareness it lets me boost all types of tests. With Hyperawareness, Dr. Milan Christopher and Magnifying Glass additional card for Investigation test seems not necessary for me.

Feb 08, 2017 Django · 5032

Why play Laboratory Assistant? Do you actually need the increase to hand size? Otherwise, the card is rather ineffective, as it costs 4 actions to play (draw it, gather 2 ressources and play), while only giving 2 cards in return.

Feb 08, 2017 szutek · 14

As i said its first card to exchange, but in addition to 2 cards you mentioned i treat it also like an additional health and stamina before i draw Dr. Milan Christopher. Unfortunately i had no better ally option in this cardpool.

Feb 08, 2017 szutek · 14

I mean health and sanity of course :)

Feb 09, 2017 Django · 5032

If you need more HP, i'd rather recommend Research Librarian, to get your Old Book of Lore out faster... wait you're not playing the book? It's one of the best cards in the whole game...

I you have oppupied both hands, but you only need to keep it, until you got all important cards.

Feb 09, 2017 szutek · 14

It's fast deck and it's not Daisy so i decided to not include any books to make it faster :)