Those kids have no idea what went on at Stalingrad

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

mythosmeeple · 434

a.k.a. "Mark Harrigan longs for death"

Absolutely useless solo. Potentially an explosive lunatic in team play... albeit one that may not be with us for long. Either way: a ridiculous one-trick deck that might entertain for five minutes.

... and for the title quote in full: "Those kids have no idea whatsoever of what went on at Stalingrad. Although I can in no way compare my struggle reading it with that of the Red Army, it has been a very big read" - Mark Corrigan*

*(coincidence? I think not)


Feb 25, 2018 Myriad · 1202

But... this game is set in the roaring twenties and he just got back from the Great War? At the time Stalingrad didn't exist. The city was called Tsaritsyn during the Russian Revolution.

Mark would have likely fought on the Western Front.

Feb 26, 2018 mythosmeeple · 434

You're entirely correct @Myriad.

May 08, 2018 klaxxon · 91

Interesting deck! I'm curious, how much use do you find you get out of "If it bleeds..." and Dynamite Blast? Do you generally find that you have the resources to use Physical Training, or does doing so leave you too resource-poor for your other cards? I cut those cards from my Mark deck because I felt they were too situational/expensive, so I'd be really interested in your experience with them.

May 16, 2018 mythosmeeple · 434

Good questions @klaxxon, and sorry for the late reply. In all honesty this deck has proven a little uneconomical - I've found myself waiting for the Emergency Caches and having to make some tough choices of what to play from my hand. I'll check you our version for some inspiration.