William Yorick Dark Axe

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

CoreySmilez · 1

Beats the shit out of everything but needs a strong partner for other skill tests.

Get Fire Axe and Dark Horse as quick as possible.

Cycle through Leather Coat and Cherished Keepsake using William's ability for almost endless health and sanity.

Keep resources low for Dark Horse with Fire Axe and Scrapper abilities. Could also try Physical Training but I never found it as useful.

Enchanted Blade was included for a specific monster in a specific campaign, can be substituted if not required. Does fill in nicely for Fire Axe if it isn't found early.

Drawing Thin provides a +2 to Fire Axe.

I didn't have Schoffner's Catalogue when I played with this deck but it seems like a good fit.