I Can Do This All Day - Captain America Joins Arkham

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SaltyElderberry · 66

Did you miss out on Captain American in Marvel Champions? Did you ever want to punch a red skull ghoul priest in the face?

Now you can with Tommy playing the part of Captain American in this superhero deck series!

The Captain likes to throw his shield at enemies (Act of Desperation) then scoop it back up from the discard pile. He can also replay tactics using the Book of War. His allies give him some needed Fight boosting and resources.

There is plenty of hand to hand combat with One-Two Punch, Toe to Toe, and Counterpunch.

This combat-focused deck will need to be paired with a clue-focused investigator.

As a theme-focused superhero deck, I would suggest playing on easy (you are a superhero after all..)

Dr. Strange: https://arkhamdb.com/decklist/view/53574/the-mystic-arts-sorcerer-supreme-dr-strange-joins-arkham-1.0

Black Widow: https://arkhamdb.com/decklist/view/53575/the-widow-s-web-black-widow-joins-arkham-1.0

Thor: https://arkhamdb.com/decklist/view/53576/sif-in-loving-memory-thor-joins-arkham-1.0


Mar 10, 2025 DerBK · 2263

His cards are even red, white and blue! Nice.

Mar 10, 2025 ElseWhere · 5230

Superheroes in Arkham!! I'm (unsurprisingly) all about it, and the combination of Act of Desperation, Improvised Shield, and Book of War is just a thing of beauty.

You do seem a little low on soak cards to trigger Tommy's ability on–are you just planning to upgrade into them? Or is his normal ability taking a bit of a backseat in this deck?