Sefina Rousseau - Definitely not Sefina

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

William · 568

deck overview

Abuse Sefina Rousseau's larger starting hand combined with Underworld Support to find your Transfiguration ritual faster. Then become the Well Connected Rex Murphy or Norman Withers you always dreamed of.

role - cluever

suggested environment - 2+, standard

deck archetype/keystone (if any) - Transfiguration, Well Connected

notable tech cards and combos

This is a quick overview of a deck I played. All decks are presented with the minimum exp needed to highlight their main gimmick. Further upgrade ideas may be shown in the “side deck” section. Environment: legacy, TDC release, taboo 24.10