

Cost: 1. XP: 3.


Parley. Choose an enemy at your location and any number of skills. One at a time, in any order, test each chosen skill (2). For each test you succeeded, if it was...

- ..., remove 1 doom from that enemy.

- ..., discover 1 clue at that enemy's location.

- ..., automatically evade that enemy. Move it to a connecting location if it is non-Elite.

- ..., deal 2 damage to that enemy.

Christine Thomas
The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion #81.
  • Vamp (The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion #74)


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Vamp makes you perform multiple skill tests in one single action, which can be used in some fun combos.

Fun combo 1 : Preston Fairmont can play vamp and easily fail all 4 tests (in hard or expert, there is no +1). After you end your turn, play Lifeline to get 4 more actions. You can double double the vamp to get 8 actions (Im not sure if you can double lifeline or not).

Fun combo 2 : Since you can decide the skill test order, you can fail first to play Grit Your Teeth, and get +1 in other 3 skill tests.

Fun combo 3 :Dirty Fighting and British Bull Dog--- ①Play Vamp, test to fail and show your bulldog. ②Test to autoevade the enemy, and triggers dirty fighting to shot with bulldog, deals 2 dmg. You got +2 in attack since the enemy is exhausted. ③Test other 2 skills. You still got +2 since the enemy is exhausted.

OnThinIce · 24
ok you cant double lifeline, max 1 per turn — OnThinIce · 24

In music, vamping means: fill time by doing the same basic thing. And because with fine clothes you can pass any of these tests, there’s a case for doing every one of these options… because some turns, you wanna pass a lot of tests!

The best combo here is with Gregory Gry. Put him into play (either as an action, then ending your turn with calling in favors, or with Hit and Run, to use him again later.) Use other cards to boost your tests. Rogues have dozens of over succeed tools. Bet money on succeeding, and earn a ton of pocket change as you evade, damage, undoom and earn a clue. Extra fun for Trish (who can turn the one clue into two), or anyone with dirty fighting, who can turn the evade into a free attack. It also stacks with the .25 pistols. In the most buckwild configuration, Chuck Fergus lets Trish play this fast. She gets eight net resources for hitting and running with Greg. Then get two clues from enemy. Then either removes a doom and evades it (shooting it three times with your 25s and dirty fighting, four times with haste…). For zero actions. Or with your bonus action if you’re the Countess.

Your teammates check their watches. You still have actions left.

MrGoldbee · 1441
Heh, give Trish Map The Area and a nice base of operations, and all 4 tests go down to 1. (Shame you can't map a place twice) — HanoverFist · 710

This seems broken and undercooked. Insane value for what it is. I imagine this would make sense if it could be used only on enemies with trait Humanoid and the test difficulty would be dependent on that enemy's attributes.

YuriTheBrave · 200
3xp is a lot. Same level as Enchant Weapon. — MrGoldbee · 1441
While I do agree that Vamp looks strong (Fine Clothes makes all the tests difficulty 0), I'm not sure I'd describe it as broken. Leaving aside the XP cost, there's the fact that a lot of the time you won't be able to get value out of all 4 options: most enemies with doom are Cultists, who will die to the 2 damage. And, of the ones that are likely to go together, (Agility + Combat) results in a slightly better Cheap Shot (+1 damage and move the evaded enemy) and (Agility + Book) results in a barely-better Breaking and Entering. While I do agree that it looks a bit strong, even for its XP cost, I think it's not as dangerous as something like Old Keyring (3) + Shed a Light. It's a workhorse, don't get me wrong, one that honestly looks like it'll find play for years to come, but I don't think it needs taboo. — NightgauntTaxiService · 385
I don't think it's broken unless we're talking about Nahab. This card wrecks her. — Defel · 4

Simple notes:

  • With Fine Clothes, the difficulty of the test becomes (0), which means that each test will succeed except auto-fail().
  • A clue at a connecting location could be discovered via Vamp(3) by testing to move the enemy to a connecting location (only for non-Elite) before test.
elkeinkrad · 483
Your second point doesn't work. It specifies discovering a clue at your location not the location of the enemy — azazeloth · 1
The card imagem says "at that enemy's location", which one is the right one? — Gsayer · 1
The bigger problem seems to be the wording "one at a time". For me it seems you make a test and resolve it after you make another one. So I suppose you can't move the enemy with the agility test and then try the intellect test since he's not at your location anymore. — Tharzax · 1
As far as I can tell you choose the enemy at the start. Then you can perform the tests even if the enemy moves away. Once you've chosen an enemy at your location and any number of skills, nothing else requires you to be at that enemies location to resolve things — NarkasisBroon · 10
An added bonus I see is that it doesn't require being engaged with the enemy for any of this either. Great tempo saver when it comes to aloof enemies! — k3nkn33 · 1

This card is absolutely insane.

With level 0 fine clothes on, you pass all of these tests with no commits unless you draw a tentacle and there is no penalty for tentacle draw. That's an extraordinary amount of tempo in one card, potentially even for free, and just shoots Alessandra to the top of the list. Absolutely broken card!

drjones87 · 188
Leaving aside the XP cost, there's the fact that a lot of the time you won't be able to get value out of all 4 options: most enemies with doom are Cultists, who will die to the 2 damage. And, of the ones that are likely to go together, (Agility + Combat) results in a slightly better Cheap Shot (+1 damage and move the evaded enemy) and (Agility + Book) results in a barely-better Breaking and Entering. While I do agree that it looks a bit strong, even for its XP cost, I think it's not as dangerous as something like Old Keyring (3) + Shed a Light. It's a workhorse, don't get me wrong, one that honestly looks like it'll find play for years to come, but I don't think it needs taboo. — NightgauntTaxiService — MrGoldbee · 1441
“Absolutely Broken Card” might be an oversell. I think it’s pretty rare that an enemy has a doom on it AND can’t be killed with two damage AND needs to be evaded/moved AND is standing at a location with a clue on it. Even in the rare situation that you get all four payouts at once Vamp is still a 3xp event with at least one supporting card (Fine Clothes) so it’s not a crazy amount of return on investment. While I agree Vamp is a versatile card that will likely see play (I can think of a couple of boss fights where Vamp is a great tech card), compared to the power level of other 3xp cards (Enchant Weapon, Eucatastrophe, Higher Education, and Ariadne’s Twine all spring to mind) it’s far from broken. — Pseudo Nymh · 54