- Q: On Your Own and On Your Own are the same level, yet the latter has the Exceptional keyword. Can I upgrade the former into the latter version? A: Yes, you can upgrade the version of On Your Own without exceptional into the version with exceptional by spending 3 experience. (FAQ v2.2, February 2024)
Cost: –. XP: 3.
Exceptional. Permanent.
Your investigator gains: "Deckbuilding Restrictions: No assets that take up an ally slot."
When you play a event, exhaust On Your Own: Reduce that event's cost by 2.

Related Cards
- On Your Own (3) (The City of Archives #236)
(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
This upgrade definitely thematically and mechanically sets in stone what style of deck you're going to play, but I don't think I quite realized just how powerful this card is over it's predecessor until recently. The lvl 3 version forces you to discard if you end up with an ally under your control, while this version technically allows you to have allies under your control if they are cheated in with tech like A Chance Encounter and Flare. Allies are often some of the best cards in the game so it's worth considering. The only problem of course is this'll only work in multiplayer.
As an aside, any word on whether or not story allies can be taken? I think it's clear they can be put under your control during a scenario, but the modified deck-building restrictions seem to indicate that you cannot include story allies from scenario to scenario because they are usually described as "does not count towards that investigator's deck size" as is the case with Lita in Night of the Zealot. The key phrasing is "deck size" as opposed to "deck parameters" or something similar.
Just a quick heads up from the rules for visibility:
(Added in FAQ, section 'Game Play', point 1.18) If 1 or more cards are forcibly removed from an investigator’s deck and returned to the collection (such as when a card is exiled, or when a campaign effect forces an investigator to remove cards from their deck), that investigator must purchase cards so that a legal deck size is maintained. When purchasing cards in this manner, that investigator may purchase level 0 cards at 0 experience cost until a legal deck size is reached.
This rule also applies if an effect alters an investigator’s deck size, deckbuilding restrictions, or deckbuilding options such that 1 or more cards must be removed from or added to their deck as a result.