Lola and Sefina Mask Their Feelings

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Lola and Sefina Get Two Tickets to Phantom 0 0 1 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Limecrete · 34

*As always, we are playing with one core deck. When a new scenario is opened, we allow ourselves to swap cards out of our decks with cards from the new pack, as long as they're the same xp cost.

Paris may be the City of Lights, but for Lola and Sefina, it was the City of Hysterically Running Around Trying to Avoid the Big Bad. We admit that phrase doesn't trip off the tongue as lightly. It was a close call, but we managed to explore the city without succumbing to the swarms of beasts that plagued us. Sefina's use of Lockpicks saved us more than once for clue gathering. Lola's contribution was mostly through the use of skill commitments - having such a varied deck meant that I didn't pull a SINGLE weapon or ally until the last few rounds. Still, through careful application of icons, I was able to knock out some monsters and investigate the The Man in the Pallid Mask away while Sefina darted around the map.

For our next adventure, I picked up Inspiring Presence and Mano a Mano, dropping the Cherished Keepsake and Say Your Prayers in the process. Ditching both of them may leave my sanity at risk, but should make Lola a beefier fighter.