"Trashcan" Pete recurs Skill Cards from his discard pile

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

rylirk · 13

Just a man having a good old time solo adventure with his dog. All about the skill cards; "Look what I found!" is in the deck as a worse copy of Perception, and if you ever play that as an event you're doing it wrong.

Pop up your Duke constantly with the skill cards you don't want (or, even better, the Moonstone), and safeguard those you do with Try and Try Again. Sit on 3 resources if you haven't drawn Dark Horse yet (so you can play it, or the Moonstone, ASAP) or, if you have, sit on 1 (if you have Lucky! in your hand) or 0. Those resources you don't want? Throw 'em away on all the fights you'll be doing with Scrapper.

Nice simple deck to play. Rush at everything and be liberal with your Duke refreshing, because as soon as enemies start building up this deck becomes less good in my experience...