Carolyn deliberately puts horror on herself until she dies

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

rylirk · 13

Disclaimer: This deck is bad, don't play it.

Do you like dealing a lot of horror to yourself? Do you like spending about half of your time healing damage you have dealt to yourself? Do you like nobly sacrificing yourself in the face of mild peril? Then this deck is for you!

So Carolyn in this deck is actually a reasonable cluester (especially with Death • XIII, which I suggest you mulligan your hand to try and find, except for St. Hubert's Key or Meat Cleaver which you should keep). Conditionally, she can also hold her own in combat too, but this is somewhat dependent on Meat Cleaver being in play and skill cards in hand. But this bad deck is nominally a support, who aims to heal other investigators and give them resources (especially by splitting the healing from Clarity of Mind to 2 different players), or to give other players time by kiting enemies away and then jumping off the bridge with Cheat Death.

In practice, Carolyn's reliance on getting to 3 Sanity as fast as possible makes her a bit of a burden (Note the 2 copies of Arcane Research with pitifully few targets to upgrade), but if you can get to that threshold with a decent number of pieces in play (and the safeguards of St. Hubert's Key and/or Cheat Death available), she can pretty much go off on her own and do whatever is needed of her. But for sure, getting her to that point is a giant chore. Don't play this deck.