Wendy’s To-Go

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

marbash · 4

Wendy’s To-Go is a deck that was designed to be a part of a trio along with:

I find when playing solo that it can be more fun playing with more investigators as it opens up for more combos. 4 seemed too big of a party when playing solo and 2 seems like a little more limited so a trio it is!

The goal of this trio was to attempt to come up with a team composition that would work well together in most scenarios, with each investigator having main roles in the party.

Wendy's To-Go:

I have realized after playing through Dunwich's later scenarios that I heavily underestimate how useful it is to have an investigator that can evade. So, I wanted to include an investigator whose main job is to evade, evade, and also evade. Wendy seemed like a great pick with 4 base agility and access to rouge cards. Wendy's best friend Peter Sylvestre and trusty Pickpocketing making evading a breeze along with the help of Sneak Attack to pack an extra punch. Fire Axe is her main source of damage along with a Lantern to help investigate. Wendy brings her Fine Clothes to make parleying a thing of ease. Dark Horse and Lone Wolf makes balancing resources a rewarding challenged, especially when in a combo with Fire Axe