Akachi Onyele and Hannah for Path to Carcosa

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Sarus85 · 17

Just a deck Hannah has thrown together to take on the paths to Carcosa campaign and trying out one of the new investigators and a new class at the same time.

I think she mainly used the suggested deck options that came with the box as a guide and chose mostly those cards as she doesn't like to spend a while lot of time deck building and much prefers playing and enjoying the story and setting more so than preparing for the campaigns which may explain why we lost the first two we tried.


Jan 03, 2021 Time4Tiddy · 236

If you have access to the Dunwich cards, you might consider some minor swaps to get more cards with "charges" - Rite of Seeking and Clarity of Mind. This deck has a lot of resource generation - especially since Uncage the Soul can be used to minimize spell cost. This Akachi doesn't need Emergency Cache and probably could skip Forbidden Knowledge as well to make room for charge cards.