Ursula is Good at Navigating Jungles

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

babushkasara · 2

This is a Ursula deck for a four-hand (2 player) mostly-blind playthrough of The Forgotten Age. She's paired with Winifred (evading), Joe Diamond (clues and utility), and Leo Anderson (fighting).

After Scenario 1 - I'm a big fan of her. Her mobility is awesome and her clue-gathering skills is a nice change of pace (In our last campaign, I played Tommy Muldoon and Silas Marsh but I'm a Seeker at heart).

We play where we get new basic weaknesses each scenario and we don't know what they are until we draw them (excluding Indebted, which we have marked so we know if we get it). Also, our weakness deck includes only a single copy of each weakness and does not include the Dark Pact/Bell Tolls killed/insane lines.

Also also, we play as if we all permanently have infinite Adaptable because we are still very new to the vast majority of the cards available. However, we do use the most recent Taboo list.

Upgrades after Scenario 1: Disc of Itzamna got upgraded as we're trying to avoid Vengeance for as long as possible. I swapped a Whitton Greene for a second Dr. Elli Horowitz (see above about Adaptable) and removed a Tooth of Eztli for Mind over Matter. While generally, her teammates should be able to rescue Ursula from any nasty things that she can't handle, her investi-moves can sometimes leave her stranded and having to rely on herself. While it's not much, Mind over Matter will help.