Arcane Knowledge from Beyond the Grave (with Yorick)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

butterbaste · 50

Deck concept

This deck is built for a 2 player game partnered with this William Yorick deck. He is the main fighter, Daisy will do the bulk of the investigating and some healing. The main idea is to get Dr. Milan Christopher and an Old Book of Lore out quickly, probably mulligan if you don't see one of those 2 in your hand. There are some willpower buff cards in the deck along with Ward of Protection, these are meant to pair with Scrying to tank Treachery cards and send monsters to Yorick.

Upgrade path (thanks kryzak, for the suggestions)

  1. Arcane Studies becomes Higher Education
  2. Magnifying Glass, Deduction get upgraded, maybe Fearless
  3. Depending on results I will be looking at tweaking healing down in favor of cards like Research Librarian, Disc of Itzamna, and In the Know

Oct 02, 2017 kryzak · 75

Looks good. When you get the XP to do it, definitely get Higher Education to help with even more boosts to INT and Will. Research Librarian is usually good, but with your The Necronomicon, it's not as good as it was on Rex Murphy. Also upgrade to the Magnifying Glass when you get the XP, as the ability to switch it back to your hand and play it as a "Fast" is amazing.