Marie Lambeau is DOOMED

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Phaed · 124

Looking for Feedback.

I hate the idea of adding doom voluntarily to the board, but with the new SK cards I feel like it's more managable now. Of the few investigators that really like doom, Marie Lambeau was the one that spoke to me the most.

So our main way of getting clues will be Sixth Sense, it has a nice feature to possibly investigate a connecting location on a pull, and doesn't require charges so Marie Lambeau's ability lets you work wonders with it! Dowsing Rod is there to help with free movement, and if you are discovering the last clue the doom dissolves itself. Abyssal Tome allows us some defense and should be attached to Elle Rubash for her effect because doom will build up on this card, but you can clear it with Moonlight Ritual when it becomes too much. Hallowed Chalice is also a nice card to attach to Elle Rubash, but also consider Sixth Sense just for the +1 skill test. Sin-Eater is the last piece of this puzzle which allows you to control doom, use it every turn, especially from Abyssal Tome if its attached to Elle Rubash because you can manage to keep that doom extremely low.

For a little boost and card draw we have Crystal Pendulum, and for a little more efficiency we have Summoned Servitor which can be upgraded in whatever way works best, but only up to 3xp.

Upgrade Path

The engine that runs this deck is Abyssal Tome, Elle Rubash, and Sin-Eater. These should be your first upgrades probably starting with Sin-Eater because it allows you to control doom from the start. Next, upgrade the Arcane Initiate for Elle Rubash, and lastly, Delve Too Deep gets magically turned into Abyssal Tome.

Now that we have our engine built, Lets get our Summoned Servitor to do some work. First upgrade should be Dominance (ally), then in any order: Armored Carapace, 2/3 of Claws that Catch, Jaws that Snatch, Eye of Flame, and Wings of Night. The Armored Carapace allows you to throw this into a location with a big monster before investigators to soak a little damage. The Jaws that Snatch ability is great to grab those pesky clue son low-moderate shroud locations that are too far off, and Wings of Night is a free move action.

Use whatever remaining experience you have left to upgrade your remaining cards as you see fit. I like Sixth Sense.

Another upgrade I would consider is Prophetic because you gain some economy for your spells, but also and more importantly its 2 times per turn you can get +1 on a spell test. This is nice, but there are only 6 spells that would make use of this too, so if you have experience burning a hole in your pocket, this could come in handy.


Dec 26, 2023 Lobstrocity · 2

Searching through lots of Marie decks on here and finally found one that actually uses HER ABILITY. Thank goodness for that! If people dont want to play with doom, dont play with Marie! Anyway thanks!