Standalone Ready Amina Is No Longer Welcome at Game Night

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SorryLaurie · 568

"Proceed to R1." - The Resigner's Creed

In most scenarios, there are two ways to advance the game: the act and the agenda. This deck focuses on the latter by attempting to advance each Agenda with as few turns as possible. How much doom we need will depend on the scenario, but since this is a standalone deck we'll focus on the side stories.

In each of the following scenarios, this is how much doom we'll need to advance in Agenda 1:

  • Curse of the Rougarou: 5
  • Carnevale of Horrors: 8
  • The Labyrinths of Lunacy: 6
  • Murder at the Excelsior Hotel: 3
  • The Blob That Ate Everything: 6
  • The Eternal Slumber: 7

So we'll typically need between 5-6 doom to advance the first agenda. Between permanents like Blood Pact and Sin-Eater and other assets that either spawn with doom or give us the chance to make will tests, this should be pretty manageable.

Doom Generators

  • Amina's Ability: Assuming you can play at least 1 asset turn 1, you can put it into play with a doom on it. [Talisman of Protection](/card/08116) is a great target here since it will be both fast and free.
  • Investigation with will: Even if there are no clues on your location, you can always investigate as an action, if you're able to play any of [Sixth Sense](/card/05158), [Rite of Seeking](/card/01689), [Dowsing Rod](/card/09083), etc you can trigger Blood Pact on these tests to generate doom.
  • Blood Pact: Might tests are unlikely Turn 1, but any will test we take can be used to add 2 doom. You can only trigger blood pact once per test, but this limit is per copy. Assuming you can play an asset that lets you test with will as action 1, then make two tests, you've already generated at least 5 doom. Since the Mythos phase will add 1, this hits the Agenda 1 target for most scenarios. If you're a true degenerate, you can technically trigger Blood Pact during any test (not just will or might), but that hardly seems fair to me, so I am sticking with will.
  • Sin Eater: Moving the doom isn't relevant here so much as the "Ready an asset" portion, since it means we can trigger cards like [Dowsing Rod](/card/09083) and [David Renfield](/card/03112) multiple times in one turn without losing the doom. The extra resources are also okay.
  • Signatures: Word of Woe is a great way to add doom to a card without using an action. Make sure to throw Guts at any will test you take to put more doom cards in your hand. Sadly, [Deafening Silence](/card/09014) only moves one doom to the agenda, so even if you draw it is unlikely to be very helpful.
  • Other Players: If for whatever reason other players are taking tests during the first round, you can trigger Blood Pact during the player action windows of those tests for even more doom.

If you draw tempt fate, just play it immediately (it's fast) to try replacing it, the tokens do not matter.

In general, you should be able to reliably get 6+ doom onto the first agenda before the doom threshold is checked. If you are shooting for 8 doom you'll want to hard mulligan for David Renfield, since with Sin-Eater, Amina's ability, and Blood Pact, you can turn him into a 7 doom card (1 from playing, 2 from his ability and readying him with Sin-Eater, 4 from the two will tests on his ability).


Jan 04, 2023 mouseman · 1

Good deck. My friend just gave me a punch