Figuring Out Hank - Advice Welcomed!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Marymatician · 77

Hello to whoever happens to be reading this!

From Hemlock Vale, Hank "The Tank" Samson really caught my eye, but a lot of the decks I've seen for him failed to make me super excited about him. While he definitely has a lot of points in his favour, such as his impressive 5 and very cool ability, his card access leaves a lot to be desired - especially as a primary fighter pulling from the survivor pool. After browsing lists already posted by others on the matter and not clicking with them, I attempted to make my own 19xp list, before eventually realising I had made something almost parallel to the existing lists.

If anyone has any advice, or experience playing/building Hank, it would be greatly appreciated - thank you!


Jul 22, 2024 GrayV · 7

Hey, I've yet to play Hank myself but I also dabbled into making a test deck for him - here's what I got. It has a lot of overlaping ideas with your deck but aslo some different ones - for example using Pushed to the Limit to fight with discarded weapons if your bat breaks or you find yourself without the pitchfork. And I also wanted to play "Devil" with Hank because of his farmer theme =)).

Jul 22, 2024 Marymatician · 77

@GrayV I've taken a look and I like what I see! I'm actually starting to warm on "Devil", now that I realise when it explodes, you can assign that damage onto, say, Jessica Hyde, and maintain the three healing it's given you. I've also been thinking a little more about if all of this durability and tankiness from, say, Peter Sylvestre is really all that necessary - considering Hank effectively has 11/9 of Soak when taking his Warden form (and I don't want to be taking Assistant, card draw is great but I want to hit things) then perhaps I've gone a little overboard in terms of his tanking - after all, Hank wants to assign damage to himself, and then once you flip into Resolute, it starts to matter a little more - but at that point, you've likely taken ten damage already, and have your assets set up.

Advice for your deck - and for my own too - I feel like Take Heart is pretty good on Hank - 1 Intellect basically lets you flub an investigation on demand, so you can consider it like a 1 action card that costs 0, and says "Draw 2 cards, gain 2 resources" - and sign me up for that!

Jul 22, 2024 Marymatician · 77

I can't figure out how to update a published list, so this is my modified version.

The creative juices are starting to flow with Hank now, and I'm figuring out the direction I'd want to take him in - I think he'd be an excellent user of Déjà Vu, as well as Short Supply to give you more cards to play with. I'm actually now rather excited to give him a go in a full campaign, maybe I'll try him when my current one finishes. My only concern might be that the list isn't resilient enough to Horror, but I think I'd have to see how it plays in practice.