So long, and tanks for all the gear

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
So long, and tanks for all the gear 3 1 0 1.0
Inspiration for
So long, and tanks for all the gear 5 2 0 3.0

StartWithTheName · 67452

With high agility and evasion skill cards, Wendy is well placed as a tank in this game. Move to location, engage, evade. Leave the others to beat on the mob in safety. She lacks sustainable damage output relying instead on single use burst damage like backstab and sneak attack for tight spots or pitching in on big mobs. Once mobs are evaded of course you are able to investigate, potentially triggering scavenge. This means you can recur that spent baseball bat or leather jacket as needed. use flashlight and perception providing boosts to your skill checks to help get you over that threshold if things are tight. Otherwise get those clues in while others do the killing. Burglary provides you with both a steady supply of cash to re-play these cards later on and the opportunity to investigate in absence of clues. You'll have plenty of card draw from pick pocket and your rabbits foot to help you find that amulet early and recur those combat events and cashes. Just watch out as this deep digging will almost certainly bring back those dreadful childhood memories. Until you can get yourself an elder sign you have no infaction cards available to soak sanity damage so in your first game this will be a pain. Depending in timing, the loss of your discard pile may also hurt, but really non of those items are that essential. Your innate agi stat is likely to be enough and you`ll have a few odds and sods in play hopefully. Another decent upgrade once you get the chance is of course to swap that little ally cat out for a much bigger cat burglar friend giving you even more evade options and that tasty looking permanent +1 agility.


Apr 03, 2017 Zamomin · 39

There are three versions of this deck. What are the differences between them and which do you consider to be the definitive / best version?

Apr 04, 2017 StartWithTheName · 67452

yes sorry @Zamomin, I was still learning how to use the site when i published these. I believe the differences were largely minor tweaks, but i didnt realise it was re-publishing each time.

In hindsight this isnt a deck i would recommend any more. Though i should caveat that by saying I have limited experience with Wendy even now after having played for a few months. if it helps ive been having some success with my current begginner's Wendy as a pretty solid as a dodge tank if thats what you looking for. It uses a handful of cards that arnt from the core, but you should be able to adapt it to a core set by swapping 2xFire Axe for 2xBaseball Bat or 2x.41 Derringer (you mainly want the + boost), and 2x Oops! for either 2x Overpower (probably best) or Leather Coat

One of the big advantages it has over this is much less assets, so its much faster to get going and much less dependent on finding scavenge. With all the skill cards it finds Wendy's Amulet a bit faster. Being able to recycle events youve spent to commit to skill checks is really nice. It will also find your Abandoned and Alone a bit faster too but that sounds worse than it is really. you`ll draw more events soon enough. Just dont rely on leaving anything essential in the bin :)

Apr 04, 2017 StartWithTheName · 67452

*fewer assets. Dear grammar im sorry

Apr 06, 2017 Zamomin · 39

@StartWithTheNameThanks for responding.

I am interested in playing a Survivor deck for the first time, because their playstyle sounds like a whole lot of fun to me. So I was looking for a Wendy deck (built from two cores) that had "piloting instructions" and used as many Survivor cards as possible. I saw your demo set series, but I assumed that they wouldn't be the most powerful decks if they are geared towards beginners.

Btw, I've settled on Everything's Coming Up Wendy from @McDog3, but if I find out I like playing Wendy I will come back to your modified version of "Wendy Adam's Eventful Day". Thanks for making the effort of suggesting those changes :)

Apr 08, 2017 StartWithTheName · 67452

Thanks @Zamomin,

Yes. I certainly wouldnt claim any of my wendy decks to date are "strong" since they havent really gone through the rigourous testing and refinement that would be desired first. The eventful day deck has had a couple of multiplayer games. It worked as intended and felt fun to play without seeming particularly complicated or weak, but thats the only benchmark i set it against.

I would say not all beginner friendly decks are necessarily weak. Sometimes simplicity leads to flexibility which is a big strength in a lot of places, especially after a fan has been hit with something unpleasant.

Certainly this is true for some characters more than others. Roland, Zoey, Rex, Ashcan and probably Agnes all seem at their strongest to me when you follow the mold so to speak. I certianly consider them to be the stronger decks in the demo set. I would also say that because ive tried to make each character play a little differently (to showcase the game mainly) some characters have suffered by being in the shadow of others. Certainly i felt i needed to take Jim and daisy in sub optimal directions for the sake of variety. Similarly i find Skids to be in Zoey and Roland's shadow somewhat. Thsi wasnt the case with wendy since survivors appear to play differently to each others. They appear to be something of a catch all class to pick up investigators which dont easily fit into the other classes. SImply i didnt get around to testing her to the same degree as other decks.

Anyhow, I had a look at everythings coming up Wendy. Looks like a nice deck. Ive played a couple of scavenge rig builds and once theyre up and running they can really be a beast. great fun! On paper at least it looks like that deck has a decent balance of the long term rig set up and the fast response events.

Apr 09, 2017 Zamomin · 39

@StartWithTheName"I would say not all beginner friendly decks are necessarily weak." Good point. I will keep that in mind. I don't know if you have played Sentinels of the Multiverse, but there are some characters in there that are very straight forward, but also very powerful.

I played the first two scenarios with Everything is coming up for Wendy and to my shame I have to admit that I kind of ignored the Scavening strategy for the deck and even did upgrades that moved away from said strategy. Nevertheless, I got the best outcome in the first scenario and managed to interrogate 3 cultist in the second scenario - which is three cultists more than during my last playthrough (which was also my first).

I've taken a look at the Eventful Day deck and will leave a comment there (so that we can stay at least a little bit focused in this comment section ;).

Btw, I think I will try out some of the Dunwich investigators for the first time using your demo decks. I certainly like the idea behind them. I hope you keep them coming with every new deluxe :)

Apr 10, 2017 StartWithTheName · 67452

Thanks @Zamomin, Sentinels is a great game and also good parallel with what im trying to achieve with the demo set. Prioritising every character playing a little differently.

Due to the size of the card pool, its hard to have varied decks that are also thematic in the way sentinels does it (at least without compromising the strength/playability of the deck too much). In time you never know though. Perhaps that can be a project for me in a cycle or two hehe.